Thursday, July 2, 2015

Outsourcing your IT Department?

For businesses seeking a technology company to act as their IT department, one thing to consider is what kind of monitoring and remediation does this organization provide? The reason I bring this up is that it is very important to be proactive when dealing with IT networks of any size. Having to constantly chase ghosts to find out what caused this problem or that problem is time consuming, inefficient and costly in man hours and lost productivity.

One of the best things M5 Systems ever did was procuring a very powerful software monitoring tool to assist us with our clients in helping them be proactive. We know in advance when a piece of hardware is about to fail, or when a drive is badly fragmented, when anti-virus software is out of date or when Windows Updates are not being done. We can also auto-remediate many of these issues so they don’t become a problem later. This makes for a more efficient and trouble free network which reduces costs and downtime. Why be reactionary when you can be proactive and avoid issues in the future?
Be Proactive

Speaking of being proactive, why is it whenever I walk into a new client the normal way of doing things when it comes to IT almost always seems to be reactionary? I never quite understood this philosophy. It always comes with higher costs and headaches, cleaning up viruses, finding out that a data backup hasn’t been done for weeks or months, hard drives failing, systems running too hot, etc.

It makes no sense to me to run an IT network in this fashion especially when it’s the lifeblood of most businesses! What we are doing at M5 Systems is constantly retraining how our clients think about maintaining their networks. At the end of the day through all the kicking and screaming their systems run more smoothly, they have far fewer issues and sometimes even ask me why there haven’t been any recent issues! Make sure your IT provider is helping you to become proactive and not reactive when it comes to maintaining your systems and network.